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My Targeting And Why You Should Have A Better Look At Women....


Don’t say this much, but I am what might be called an incorruptible or an anti-Sociopath, jokingly a justice machine, what some may call me.
What this means? Well when women fall for me, I am kind of their as well. Largely this comes from stories of an invisible man beating up rapists. Seems some women digged this.
It established a glow, they say, and an objective marriage of sorts. A natural profound connection.
Believe it or not, it has a bad reaction when men even try to hit on women like this, I have to consent as well you see.
Some say if you look carefully you see me there as well, some have seen me passively and realized it later thinking about this.
Have you seen a woman like this?
Sometimes you might hear me ranting near her.

As for my targeting, spy devices tend to break when used directly at me, so they actually hit these women with them, even giving them the conditioning they want me to have as well at times. Useless statements like “they don’t like that” or “this.”

Categories Free Thinking, Reciprocal Affection

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